“Before I’d even pulled out of the driveway …
… the sweat was pouring – ugh. Now I don’t even think about it!”
“We love to travel to the tropics.
Our vacation in Jamaica was a blast. I was able to travel all through the island, significantly drier and much more comfortable – enjoyed every minute!”
“Anxiety levels didn’t help the sweating — only added to it.
Now my only anxiety is the situation at hand!”
“I love the summer.
I used to stay inside when it was warm out. Now I am able to comfortably relax on our deck, garden in our flower beds, ride bikes, and go on walks with our kids and dogs. All so much easier now!”
“And of course, the daily routine of rushing around in our busy lives.
It has been wonderful to focus on accomplishing those things instead of how uncomfortable I would feel or how embarrassed I would become due to the excessive sweating! It just makes things … Better!”
Sweat Better ~ Concealed and Comfortable
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